NFL Football Star Tony Gonzalez Goes Vegan After Reading The China Study!
The video below is of Tony Gonzalez making a vegan shake and explaining some of the different fruits and vegetables that he puts in his shake – all of the packages I noticed were from Trader Joe’s!! Oh, I love Tony Gonzalez more and more!
To top it off, he talks about how the acai berry is a very important part of his shake because of it’s high antioxidant levels. In the video he uses Sambazon rather than MonaVie, but I’ve been doing a ton of research lately on the differences between Sambazon and MonaVie, as my friends are distributors of MonaVie, and I will write more once I finish my research.
This article from The Wall Street Journal entitled, “The 247 lb. Vegan”,discusses how he made the decision to go vegan after reading The China Study by T. Colin Campbell.